Purchasing insurance isn’t something that most entrepreneurs think about when planning and starting a small business. It’s not until an unforeseen disaster occurs when they acknowledge its importance. While some small businesses can endure disasters,...
It doesn’t take an ambitious startup or a capitalist venture grabber to be a successful entrepreneur. Even if one’s business is not especially notable, one can still have a great experience and income from their ventures. Although these entrepreneurs will...
Word of mouth is undoubtedly a powerful force in marketing, but what really makes it work? The new book by Daniel Lemin and Jay Baer, Talk Triggers: The Complete Guide to Creating Customers with Word of Mouth, explores the concept of word of mouth for today’s...
Video marketing has become a cornerstone strategy used by businesses to promote their products and services. According to HubSpot, more than three-quarters of the U.S. population watch at least one online video each week while more than half watch online videos daily....
When Amazon first reared its head, there were plenty of concerns about the death of the retail industry and the rise of more depersonalized shopping experiences. Fortunately, neither of these things have happened, and despite the continued prominence of Amazon,...
Most small business owners are too involved with their business’ daily operations that they never really take the time to plan for their future. While retirement may seem far off down the road, if money isn’t being put away to save for retirement,...